Why I believe that a decision to have your own back – no matter what – is the secret to making more money
What does having your own back have to do with making more money?
This is because the process to earning more money is not a one and done.
I say this because, you don’t always:
get the exact salary increase you asked for.
get the first promotion that you interview for.
sell to the first person you make an offer to.
Instead, earning more money is about showing up, trying and failing. Showing up, trying and failing. Over and over again. Until you get to where you want to go.
This is why learning how to have your own back is so important.
When you have your own back, you don’t make those failures mean:
You’re doing it wrong
You shouldn’t have tried
It’s all your fault
You should just give up
And most importantly you don’t make the “no’s” you will inevitably hear along the way mean anything about you. And you don’t use them as reasons to give up.
Instead, trying and failing time and time again is the path to earning more money. That is literally how the process works.
And the key to getting what you want is to show up. Continuously.
But the only way you do that is by having your own back.
Having your own back means that you show up to love yourself every step of the way. It’s about never make anything mean anything bad about you.
It might sound so simple, but many of us have a constant soundtrack of self-judgment running through our brains. And it produces so much anxiety and shame. Those emotions don’t create the result of you showing up – to start a business, charge clients, ask for a raise.
Instead, they keep you small.
So, the work is to challenge that soundtrack of self-judgment – to not believe those thoughts as truths about you. And to decide to believe in yourself no matter what.
The way I like to think about is that I tell myself, no matter the result -> my self-worth is not on the line.
I don’t make many money making endeavour mean anything about my worth as a person. Even when I make a mistake and even when I fail.
I intentionally look at them as lessons to learn and grow. Not opportunities to judge or shame myself.
And when I trust that I have my own back, I can show up and try anything! It’s so much easier when you decide *in advance* to meet yourself with love, kindness and compassion – no matter what happens.
Try this out and see how it changes how you’re able to show up on your journey to making more money!
hi there!
I’m Natasha Tekeste.
I work with women who want to shift their beliefs around money and wealth so they can leave the drama behind and focus on actually doing work that they love to do.