Mindset work is about changing your contribution to the world
Photo by Thought Catalogue on Unsplash
One of the reasons why I think mindset work is so important is because when you’re able to shift how you think about yourself – you’re able to shift your entire contribution to the world.
It’s so wild to think about.
Right now, many of us spend so much time judging and shaming ourselves. We block ourselves from showing up in the world and doing the work that we want to be doing.
We tell ourselves things like:
I’m not good enough to have what I want
I’m not the type of person who deserves a certain job or paycheck
And we ask ourselves unhelpful questions like:
who do you think you are?
what do you think you’re doing?
But all that does is discount what we can contribute to the world. It prevents us from showing up and doing the work we actually WANT to do - the work that YOU *DREAM* about doing.
And you block yourself from sharing your own gifts with others.
The good news is, there is another way.
You don’t have to constantly judge and shame yourself. Instead, there’s the possibility where you just let yourself be the human that you are.
Who tries and fails, and tries and fails. Who tries and succeeds, and tries and succeeds.
Both of those things in some combination. Over and over again.
Because in reality, when you stop judging yourself and you stop telling yourself:
You give yourself the freedom to show up and do the things you want to do. You allow the rest of us to benefit what it is that you have to offer and share with the world.
That’s the type of world that I want to live in!
hi there!
I’m Natasha Tekeste.
I work with women who want to shift their beliefs around money and wealth so they can leave the drama behind and focus on actually doing work that they love to do.